Early in 2009 a small group of local businessmen decided to extend the idea of a Rotary from their existing club to a new location in central Bucks County. The concept was that by introducing new ideas and offering new opportunities the Rotary ideal they all valued could be extended to new men and women looking to do service in the community.
The group had their first meeting at Earl’s restaurant in Peddler’s Village. The meeting format was new for the area, capitalizing on Rotary’s new “happy hour meeting” structure introduced the year before. These meetings offer great flexibility to members – especially since the formal meeting portion of the evening was designed to last no more than a half hour.
Since those early days the club has continued to grow, with membership doubling every six months. In April Rotary District 7430 recognized the club, granting it Provisional status, and on January 26, 2010 the club was officially chartered by Rotary International.
The Central Bucks Rotary meets at the Plumsteadville Inn on Tuesday nights. Informal networking begins at 5:30 and the formal part of the meeting begins at 6:00. All are welcome. To learn more visit www.CentralBucksRotary.com